Monday, July 16, 2007


Hello everyone!
I know it's been over a month since I've written but, (once again) I have a good excuse. After my birthday was Doug's birthday and then planning to move and packing and blah, blah, blah. OH. I guess I didn't tell you I was moving, did I? Well, I'm moving. Dad got a new job and we're moving.
Is that a good enough excuse?


I got lots for my birthday! I got books, clothes, journals and all sorts of cool stuff! I won't even try to name all the stuff I got! And just to let you know, I got $72 bucks for my b-day.


We had a garage sale yesterday and the day before. We made about $150 bucks. Pretty good huh? I (Darcy) sold at least HALF of the stuff. I made $32 bucks. Pretty good huh? A lot of people said I had a future in sales. I sold a nineteen sixty something set of encyclopedias for 4x as much as Mom was asking.
On the last day we were just trying to get rid of stuff. We sold almost EVERYTHING for a quarter. I sold this little old lady enough stuff to fill the back of her pickup. I'm good. And humble. Not.


I hafta go.



Anonymous said...

Wow!! I gotta be sure to not be around at your next sale, (and ESPECIALLY be sure to not bring my pickup!)

I loved your post -- you made me chuckle :-)

Anonymous said...

huh! making change and counting the money! sounds like Darcy doesn't hate math as much as she lets on!

Emmie said...

I've been missing ya but I'd say you definitly had a pretty a good excuse! Glad the garage sale went well. It sounds you made out pretty good on your birthday too! =) Well keep us posted. Sounds like you're keepin busy!